
My Son the Hurricane - For Whom the Bell Tolls (Metallica Cover)

My Son the Hurricane has all 26 feet planted firmly on the ground. The band now in its 2nd year of existence has been touring behind "You Can't Do This" their first full length album on Copperspine Records. The album with new video for "Pushin' Up Daisies" has received much media attention as well as been featured on Much More Music. As well as being featured on "Here and Now" on CBC Radio One. The new album shows the brass beast at their reed splitting best, and shows the diversity of the big band...slow jams, mid tempo funk numbers and some straight ahead rockers, and features Pocket Dwellers frontman N.I.Gel on the lead single. This diversity makes "You Can't Do This" an album that will be heavily featured in the "Recently Played" section of your iPod.
From Facebook

 Nelson Beattie - Alto Saxophone
Abe Bergsma - Guitar
Jacob Bergsma - MC
Boichuk - Tenor/Soprano Saxophone
Ewan Divitt-Trumpet/Sousaphone
Troy Dowding - Trumpet/Flugelhorn
Alex Duncan - Trombone
Fraser Gauthier - Bass
Andrew "Lazer" Hills - Baritone Saxophone
Andrew Harwood -Alto Saxophone
Danno O'Shea - Drums
Andrew Samitz - Keyboard
Elburz Sorkhabi-Trombone
Brian Walters-Trumpet
Cooper Hannahson - Percussion


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